The Clinch-O-Matic

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Random musings on my day

There's no real 'topic' to this entry... I just have a lot of random thoughts I feel like expressing. Namely...

- Thank god those CHS News Live bastards didn't use the visual aide for "Take Your Mama" this morning that they threatened to use. There would be a lot of corpses in the IMS studio right now if they had.

- Supreme Court essays are, contrary to popular belief, not an inherently evil thing. I have to admit it: I kinda enjoyed that government test.

- Plating a penny in zinc does not work when you pick out the dirtiest penny in the history of American currency. I am an idiot.

- Still no word on either of my two NYC colleges... Columbia never emailed me my username for the website, and NYU makes people wait for the snailmailed decision. Oh well, I always liked Boston better anyway. Your loss, Big Apple.

- The "Tunac Tunac" performance at the talent show by Timothy J. Longo Jr. et al was incredibly awesomely exceptionally excellent. My two newest heroes are Branden Ly and whoever yelled "it's bin Laden!" when Tim came onstage in a turban. Ah, good times.

- I get to go to debate regionals on Saturday. In other words, I get to wake up at five AM on the first day of spring break, come to school, and be greeted by none other than The Notorious H.A.L. first thing in the morning. I just can't wait.

- Finally, I have realized that I am not at all jealous of the orchestra. I have grown to accept the fact that they have earned their weekend of paradise, and lowly non-musically-talented losers like myself do not deserve spring breaks that awesome.

Wait a minute... my spring break is just as cool as theirs... I'm going to Boston... never mind.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


tufts (n.)
1. Short clusters of elongated strands, as of yarn, hair, or grass, attached at the base or growing close together.
2. Dense clumps, especially of trees or bushes.
3. One of many reasons that I am currently INCREDIBLY HAPPY.

I got into what very well might be my first-choice college! I'll need one last visit to make sure it's the place for me... but right now, I'm feeling fairly confident... it sounds like my dream school. There are lots of interesting classes to visit in politics, economics, and the like... I'll know by next week where I stand. There's always BU if things don't go well at Tufts.

Dessert Theater auditioning went well... Andy and I make awesome Irishmen, and I'm a dead ringer for Jimmy Fallon. If only I could be Al Gore too... then I'd be in heaven. You can't always get what you want though.

Boston trip for next week is being planned and booked, and I am excited as all get-out. I don't know why I even try putting feelings like these into words. Sometimes in life things happen for which writing doesn't really work. Oh well...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Why, you ask?

I have always been mildly interested in blogging. What with the writing and the posting and the responding and the arguing, blogs make themselves quite useful for entertaining the bored and fueling the occasional discussion.

I have dabbled in blogging from time to time... first in conjunction with the honorable Sir Benjamen S. Starkweather on a political blog, and then on an online edition of the infamous Quote Sheet. But neither project could quite scratch that itch... for that perfect opportunity to randomly rant about whatever meaningless events happen to be unfolding in my meaningless life.

That, I hope, is what this new blog will bring. Another place to record all my rambling diatribes about life aside from this scattered head of mine. All I really want is a place to vent about things, but hey, if people want to read it, well, that's just gravy. Mmm... gravy.